The Club wishes to welcome both old and new members into the current year and hope the Club carries on from strength to strength, with as much support from the members as we have enjoyed in past years.
We actively support the Judges Training Scheme, and are Breed Council Members. Any concerns from the members will be taken forward to these meetings. We are here to promote our beloved Breed and support our members.
Mr S Godber (Lechan)
Vice President
Mr G Southgate (Santicana)
Mrs P Godber (Lechan)
Mrs C Clucas (Hiswin)
Trophy Steward
Mr T Oakley (Sukura)
Committee members
Mrs V Allen (Clymarian)
Ms M Clarke (Booneeks)
Ms M Keyte (Catomo)
Mrs S Robinson
Mr J Sawyer
Mrs A Sawyer
Mrs D Southgate (Santicana)
Mrs N Southgate
Life members
Miss G Claxton (Tsuni)
Mrs C Merrion (Melclare)
Mrs S Jakeman (Tanlap)
Mrs R Orrow (Orrochow)
Miss D Phillips (Chanoyu)
Mrs B Sutton (Weiyen)
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Website by J Marchetti - Chow's Who © 2006-2022 Midland Chow Chow Club - All rights reserved
Webmasters : C Clucas & J Marchetti
Picture credits : street name roadsign with the words "The Midlands" from the Wiltshire village of Holt by Starsphinx (Shutterstock)